
My goal is to help you transform through Self-Mastery. You are meant to be the master, the Wise One, for you own life. For it is only you that knows what is best for you! I will guide you to this place of strength, independence and wisdom, by treating your whole self, not just the physical body.

In our sessions, we uncover hidden energetic layers that are holding you back and need attention and healing. Every session is tailored to your specific needs. An environment of safety and trust is created. I meet you where you are at, with full support and acceptance. I work with your core essence to activate, Soul-align, and clear your mental and emotional energetic fields. (OR …I work w your core essence to connect you with the deepest truth of who you are). You receive spiritual upgrades, enjoy enhanced confidence, and experience increased productivity. My work improves your physical health by enhancing your well-being aspects.

Some of the many benefits include:

  • Increased Intuition and Self-Awareness

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction
  • Decreased Anxiety & Depression
  • Energetic Balance and Feelings of Peace
  • Improved Sleep and Enhanced Productivity
  • Clarity in Life & Soul Purpose

“I really learned so much and grew spiritually with energy healing and meditation to heal and gain more control over my thoughts and body all because of YOU!  You are truly gifted and special.  No one around here compares to you.” 

Lyn, Seacoast NH

Now is the time for you to flourish and grow!

Transformation is key, and you hold the key to your Self-Mastery!

Let me help guide you to this powerful place – so that you can live from your Divine (inner) spark of creativity and attract the life you want!

For your convenience, sessions are offered in-person and via Zoom.

Diane’s intuitive coaching and healing support has changed my life for the better. I remember having my first healing session with Diane over two years ago, and now I look back realize how far I’ve come. I have learned to become more self-aware, which has really improved my daily life. I used to worry about anything and everything when I first started on this self-mastery journey. Diane has helped me to come a long way!

Anthony, Long Island, NY

Diane’s Certifications

  • Usui/Holy Fire III ART/Master, International Center for Reiki Training
  • Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®, International Center for Reiki Training
  • Reiki Master/Teacher, International House of Reiki
  • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master/Teacher
  • Melchizedek Method® Master/Teacher, Kamadon Academy
  • Magnified Healing® Phase One Master/Teacher

Treatment programs are individually designed. Both day and evening appointments are offered.

Please contact Diane to schedule a complementary twenty minute consultation.

A Brief Explanation of Treatment

When lower density vibrations are released from our energetic bodies, we in turn release limiting beliefs and thought-patterns that hold us back in life. These distortions negatively impact our emotional, mental and physical health. They limit our spiritual growth and potential.

Receiving healing treatments helps to shed these energetic limitations. As we release, we shift. This allows room for the supportive energies to enter our physical bodies and energetic fields. We are able to discover and become our True Self. You will observe that everyday life becomes more meaningful as you shed old thought-patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you.

Energy healing sessions spiritually support and connect you with your life path and purpose – which brings joy, peace of heart and personal empowerment.

NH Reiki, Reiki

Treatment room at the Lee, NH office