How I Became an Author
Sacred travel opens me up energetically, sharpening my innate intuitive sensitivities and deepening my spiritual growth. I delight in visiting different countries and seeing what is there for me to discover.
Egypt has had a strong calling for me since I began studying a Flower of Life healing method in 2009.
In 2022, I received an invitation from the lead authors, Julianne Santini and John Mercedes, to travel to Egypt to be part of a writer’s conference. The timing was right, so I said “yes” to this magical opportunity. In the Fall of 2023, I arrived in Egypt!
Our group “moved as one” as we toured with Egyptologist Emil Shaker, our expert guide. We visited numerous powerful sites and temples. We traveled from Cairo to Aswan, then sailed the Nile to Lexor, flying back to Cairo.
For seven extraordinary days, we sailed on the Nile, stopping at sacred temples as we traveled. On the boat, I spent many hours writing while sitting at eye-level with the water, watching Egyptian life go by. I also enjoyed an all-day birthday celebration while on the Nile which will always be a highlight of my life! The Egyptians are experts in making you feel like a Queen for the day—and make a special effort to include everyone in the fun, complete with music, song, and dance!
Purchase the Best Seller
Love Initiation, Learning the Language of the Soul
Love Initiation is a heart-expanding book that shares the inward journeys of the authors and how they bravely navigated life by listening to the wisdom of their souls.
My chapter, Self-Mastery, Courageously Live An Authentic Life (Chapter 16) is about taking ownership of the choices in your life and creating empowered action to live in Soul alignment. It is also about listening to your inner guidance, living authentically, and being the director of your own life.
I chose what some would call the more difficult road, but it is a road that brought me personal freedom. This freedom brought me the peace of Soul, embodied happiness, and inner empowerment I sought. I hope this powerful chapter both inspires and supports you!
Author group at the Sphynx after a sunrise ceremony