In late February, I had the amazing experience of going on a yoga-adventure trip with two local yoga instructors, Ruth Abelmann and Carol Morin-Walker. We were a group of twenty. Each day began and ended with yoga. Such beautiful end caps to a day. The hosting company, Belize Yoga, was fantastic. I highly recommend them. It is husband-wife owned by Brad and Jessie Wigh ( They offer two different mountain/ocean trips in Belize.

After a three hour bumpy ride on dirt roads, we arrived at Hidden Valley Inn & Reserve in the mountains. It was like we arrived in Heaven-on-Earth. A weather front had quickly swept through with some rain, then the sun burst through and a rainbow appeared. I have always felt great in nature. However, in the Belize mountains it was if you could hear the land singing. It brought a quickening to my heart. In that moment I realized that the feeling of joy I feel when outside in nature is coming from the land itself; from Mother Earth, or Gaia!

I am blessed to live where I do. I can easily get to quiet places outdoors. My property is very serene and quiet, and on a river. However, I never really knew that these feelings of happiness are coming from the land itself until I went to Belize and arrived at the 7,200 acre reserve. Because of the remoteness and pristine landscape, I could actually feel the sanctity and sacredness of the land. I truly had arrived in Paradise. I had “happy feet” – and a happy Soul!

Now I understand first-hand the support Earth is always offering to us. Being in Belize has deepened my connection to Earth, which in turn has deepened my connection to energy healing. Earth provides the anchor for the in-coming Divine energies. When we anchor, we expand because we have established a solid foundation to soar.

Having this Earth experience in Belize was the ultimate teacher. I encourage you to find your outdoor sanctuary to make this grounding connection and your solid base whenever you can!

To be continued…